
Tuesday, 1 December 2015


Health is our life . Anything we do first should keep our health in good condition. Health means not just a inner side of our body, it is very important to keep our out look is also very important in our whole life...

amazing tips to maintain our body inner and outer body

Diets that help in quick Weight Loss:

Eat a diet that contains fewer amounts of salts, added sugars, starches, and animal fat. Minimize the intake of dairy foods and meat that contain the above supplements.
If you are looking for instant weight loss, then include fresh fruits, egg whites, vegetables, lean meat, soy products, fish and dairy foods that contain less fat.
Here is a sample diet plan:
·        Eat fruits and vegetables to make your stomach full
·        Drink 8 – 10 full glasses of water everyday
·        Take 5 – 6 small meals spread throughout the day
·        Cut down tempting foods such as breads, rice, cereals, potatoes, pasta and fried foods
·        Keep yourself busy, so that you don’t feel like eating when bored
·        Avoid skipping meals
·        Keep track of the meal you take or note down everything you eat by maintaining a food journal
Don’t let your emotions take a huge role in your diet plan. If you find a persistent pattern in your eating, then talk to your health counselor about it.

The best way to put your hunger pangs at bay is by consuming enough calories in your meal early in the day.  Follow a sensible diet plan and an exercise plan to suppress your appetite and boost your metabolism.

How to Use Lemon to Get Smooth Skin

Method 1- Lemon Juice and Cucumber Slice Face Pack
Lemon juice contains the highest amount of vitamin C and this makes it the best ingredient that can promote healthier skin with a natural glow.
The citric acid present in lemon juice helps in removing the dead cells from deep with the layers of skin. The vitamin C present in lemon juice helps in lightening the skin tone as well as reduces the pigmentation and dark age spots on the skin.
Lemon juice is even considered as a natural skin bleaching agent that will help in lightening the skin tone in just a single application. Cucumber is yet another ingredient that is known for its skin cooling properties.
So now that you know about these amazing qualities of lemon juice and cucumber slices this remedy is definitely a must try for smooth skin.
Things you need
·        Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
·        Cucumber slices – 2
·        Lukewarm water
1.    Firstly apply the fresh lemon juice all over the face and leave it on for about 5-10 minutes.
2.    Later wash it off with lukewarm water.
3.    Now rub the slices of cucumber all over your face and again leave this on for about 2-3 minutes.
4.    Later wash your face again with normal water and gently pat the skin dry.
5.    This process can be repeated 2-3 times a day for two weeks as a natural solution for how to get clear smooth skin.

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