
Thursday, 11 February 2016




Swear by a night cream 

When you’re asleep, you can shield your skin with a firming night cream because this is also when your skin doesn’t have to face environmental contaminants and the harsh sun rays. So help it repair beautifully by opting for the Lakmé Youth Infinity Skin Firming Night Crème. This cream is light on the skin and works through the night to make your skin get rid of the puffiness and fatigue. You’ll wake up with fresh looking skin the next morning. We suggest you make this a part of your routine and use the night cream every night for optimum results.

                                                                        Tie a braid 
                                                                    Heal your feet 

Wednesday, 10 February 2016



We’re all aware of the benefits of yoga and the good it does our bodies. But have you heard of yoga for the face? If you haven’t, then you’re missing out on a regime that can make you glow, reduce wrinkles and erase lines—and it does all this absolutely naturally with no chemicals or painful procedures! Minal Potnis, a certified instructor in Yoga Facial Toning (YFT) and owner and contributor to Aiyana Wellness, has created a revolutionary facial yoga programme that uses a fusion of Tibetian doctrines, Facial Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga, to give you a firm, smooth, and glowing facial appearance. “Face yoga stimulates collagen production that keeps skin tight and makes it less prone to wrinkles. It helps relieve tension and stress from the areas we tend to squeeze and scrunch all day long. These areas include the forehead, eyebrows and around the jaws and mouth,” she says. Minal reveals three easy exercises to transform your skin.

The Eyebrow Stretch
  • Raise your eyebrows as high as possible as if you’re trying to touch the celling.

  • Turn your eyeballs towards the ceiling as if you’re looking at the ceiling.

  • Hold this for 15 seconds.

The Nirvana Eyes
  • Lift your eyeballs towards the ceiling.

  • Stretch and raise your eyebrows to touch the celling, stretching the eyeballs while simultaneously looking at the ceiling.

  • Holding the above position, slowly close your eyelids shut completely (This might take a bit of practice).

  • Shut your eyelids while having an inner smile. Have a tranquil expression while doing this. Be happy.

  • Hold this position for 15 seconds.

Do both exercises – The Eyebrow Stretch and The Nirvana Eyes – twice a day, 10 times each. 

This works on strengthening the muscles of the eyes. It will strengthen the lower and upper eyelids; decrease bulging under eyes, increase blood circulation to the eye area and smoothen any lines around the eyes.

The ‘O’ Exercise
  • Open your mouth wide forming an ‘O’ shape.

  • Fold your lips over the teeth.

  • Tighten this position and hold.

  • Now, smile and keep breathing.

  • Hold for a count of 15 seconds.

Do this twice a day, 10 times each. 

Increases the blood circulation, strengthens and tones your cheek, jaw lines and firms the lip muscles. Smoothens wrinkles.

Sunday, 7 February 2016



When you’ve got a big day coming up, you start preparing for it in advance by getting ample sleep and planning a mani-pedi. But have you thought of what you’d do in the event of an unpleasant surprise; say for instance, a dreaded pimple? Pimples are the bane of all skin kind and what makes it worse is when one shows up unexpectedly before a big occasion on the horizon.

So besides a tremendous wave of distress washing over you, what do you do? Fear not, because we’ve got you covered. Here are some quick fixes to banish last minute breakouts which you can whip up in your kitchen.
Spiced honey mask 

What you need:¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder
1 tablespoon of honey
1 teaspoon of lime juice

How to:Ensure that your skin is not sensitive to cinnamon by testing it over a small portion of your neck and check that no redness or tingling appears. Mix the honey and lime juice together and then add in the cinnamon powder. Apply the mask over your face, gently massaging the cinnamon powder into your face to exfoliate it at the same time. Leave the mask for 20 mins and wash off with warm water.

Benefit:The healing properties of honey will aid in the treatment of the pimples from within while the high content of Vitamin C in lime will serve as an antioxidant and help synthesize the collagen in the skin. These qualities along with the antibacterial nature of cinnamon help in repairing the skin cells quicker.

Tea tree clay maskWhat you need:2 drops of tea tree essential oil
1 tablespoon of multani mitti¼ teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon of water or as required

How to:Mix the dry ingredients in one container and follow it with the tea tree oil. Add in just enough water to make it a thick paste. Apply the mixture on your face with your fingertips and leave it to dry until it hardens and begins to crack. Then wash it off with warm water followed by a face wash.

Benefit:The excess secretion of sebum might be the main cause for your pimple problems for which multani mitti is the ideal solution as it helps clear out clogged pores by absorbing the excess oil within the skin. Unlike other oils, tea tree oil acts like a solvent and penetrates through the extra sebum while eliminating the dead skin cells, which helps get rid of acne quickly.

Thursday, 31 December 2015

8 Big Health Benefits of Apples

8 Big Health Benefits Of Apples

It's no surprise that apples are good for you -- why else would they have earned that "keep the doctor away" reputation? -- but there are a number of lesser-known reasons to pick up a juicy one today.
Some of our favorite health benefits of apples are in the slideshow below. Let us know what else you love about apples in the comments!

     1 Apples Lower Cholesterol
·         One medium-sized apple contains about four grams of fiber. Some of that is in the form of pectin, a type of soluble fiber that has been linked to lower levels of LDL or "bad" cholesterol. That's because it blocks absorption of cholesterol, according to WebMD, helping the body to use it rather than store it.

2 Apples Keep You Full
Apple's wealth of fiber can also keep you feeling full for longer without costing you a lot of calories -- there are about 95 in a medium-sized piece of fruit. That's because it takes our bodies longer to digest complex fiber than more simple materials like sugar or refined grains. Anything with at least three grams of fiber is a good sourceof the nutrient; most people should aim to get about 25 to 40 grams a day.

3 Apples Keep You Slim

One component of an apple's peel (which also has most of the fiber) is something called ursolic acid, which was linked to a lower risk of obesity in a recent study in mice. That's because it boosts calorie burn and increases muscle and brown fat, HuffPost UK reported.

     4  Apples Prevent Breathing Problems
Five or more apples a week (less than an apple a day!) has been linked with better lung function, Health magazine reported, most likely because of an antioxidant called quercetin found in the skin of apples (as well as in onions and tomatoes), the BBC reported. 

And the breath benefits of apples extend even further: A 2007 study found that women who eat plenty of the fruit are 
less likely to have children with asthma.

5 Apples Fight Colds
While they don't quite rival oranges, apples are considered a good source of immune system-boosting vitamin C, with over 8 milligrams per medium-sized fruit, which amounts to roughly 14 percent of your daily recommended intake.

6 Apples May Fight Cancer
In 2004, French research found that a chemical in apples helped prevent colon cancer, WebMD reported. And in 2007, a study from Cornell found additional compounds, called triterpenoids, which seem to fight against liver, colon and breast cancers.

7 Apples Decrease Diabetes Risk
A 2012 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found thatapples, as well as pears and blueberries, were linked with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes because of a class of antioxidants, anthocyanins, that are also responsible for red, purple and blue colors in fruits and veggies.

Apples Boost Brain Power

The fruit has been linked to an uptick in acetylcholine production, Good Housekeeping reported, which communicates between nerve cells, so apples may help your memory and lower your chances of developing Alzheimer's. 

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Monday, 28 December 2015

Homemade Hair Mask for Rough Hair

Homemade Hair Mask for Rough Hair

Now a days 80% people are having hair fall and dandruff problem because of water, environment pollution and bad diet. And also using chemical hair dying,chemical based shampoo. If your hair is dry,rough and not shiny, you can regenerate it by using some homemade hair recipes. These mask's ingredients are cheap which are available in your kitchen room and do not harm of your scalp and hair.

Some Hair Mask

Avocado Banana mask

This mask helps to revitalize hair and make to shine. It is a healthy mask for hair.


·         1 medium ripe banana
·         1/2 avocado
·         1 egg
·         3 Tbsp buttermilk
·         3 Tbsp olive oil
·         2 Tbsp honey
Mash banana and avocado in a bowl and add egg,rest ingredients and Mix all ingredients very well. Apply to hair and scalp by using figure tips. Leave this mask on your hair for 30 minutes. Then wash it with mild shampoo. Use it 2 times in a month.

Yogurt hair mask

For dry, frizzed out hair, this recipe will bring back the moisture, leaving your hair silky and manageable.
It is best for fuzzy hair and dry scalp,It will bring back moisture to your scalp and silky hair.


·         1/4 cup plain organic yogurt
·         1 egg white
·         1/4 cup mayonnaise 
Take egg white portion in a bowl and add plain yogurt and mayonnaise. Stir it until well mix. Massage into wet hair and cover with plastic cap. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash off it with any herbal shampoo or mild shampoo. Use it once a month and away from dry scalp, get moisturize hair

Avocado lemon hair paste

Lemon makes your hair smooth and silky ,and also helps for hair fall and decrease dandruff problem.


·         1 tsp sea salt
·         1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
·         1 Tbsp aloe juice or gel
·         1 whole ripe avocado

Mash ripe avocado and add remaining ingredients and make a semi liquid mask. Apply it on your hair and leave it 30 minutes after that wash off it cold water with mild shampoo.